“… I don’t understand
why mum makes this hair-do…..It sure makes her look…weird” That was the thought
on our minds 20-30 years ago when the straw curls (Jheri curls) was in vogue.

The Jheri curl was invented in
the 70’s by Jheri Redding, an American hairdresser,
and hair care
product Entrepreneur.

This trend was worn by celebrities- The Jacksons, Lionel Richie amongst others. This trend was satirized in the movie “Coming to America” as it featured individuals with, dripping wet hair.

Gone are those days when one has
to worry about pillows been saturated with the “juice”- The curls look
different now; they are drier, last for days and just look better as the week

Watch out!!! This
trend is back and hey!!! It isn’t going anywhere anytime soon or ever!

This isn't my thing. I love my girl with long hair whether curly or straight.
@Bassey ....With the straw curls, you can still keep your long hair.It's just like you are wrapping them up in curls.....
It gives you a different look.
I like this trend
Everyone's buying into it......
you need to come to my office and see how girls were just doing the hair
Make it your thing. You said this because you have not seen it on her
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