Christmas is gone & we all are looking forward to the New year but for as far back as I can remember, I've always thought of December 24 to Jan 2 as 'The holiday season' and I am sure lots of people share this sentiment. Some people are lucky, as their Companies close down for the year and all these days are free for them. For some of us, we still have to work in between even though I am not sure just how much work gets done. This doesn't change our mood however, as as we're still in the holiday spirit and the End of the Year party invites are still pouring in......how do we go to work & go to play; all in one outfit?
Not everyone one has the luxury or time to go home and change before attending the many holiday/work parities or social gatherings with friends. So instead of forfeiting an invite, here are some key outfit pieces that will help you seamlessly switch from work to play.

Simple! Break out the semi-formal
clothes and rock them! Chiffon tops, Tulip
dresses, Smart pants......what have you! Choose flattering pieces that
can be accessorized effortlessly........Change the earrings, add a
chunky neck piece,
add a bracelet, change your shoes, remove the blazer , add a
sparkly belt........The list is endless.
So don't let going to work this season dampen your spirit, or make u reject
party invites, just switch this around. Enjoy your holiday ladies.........@ work
or @ play!!!